Thriving Together



Thriving Together


Diversify your product range and super charge your production efficiency with the new PHA® range from BarthHaas.


Revolutionize your dry hopping with SPECTRUM – 100% hop-derived, flowable and fully-dispersible in cold side applications for a well-rounded flavor and less beer loss.

Thriving Together

Rising costs, a changing climate, global instability and changing customer behaviour are demanding change. We are finding new ways to bring hops, brewing and hop flavor into the new world, to help you face these changes head-on and make the most of the opportunities they offer.

We are

We put our heart and soul into getting the best flavor experiences out of the natural hop. To achieve this, we have created a unique environment of expertise and innovation, actively supporting our customers and suppliers to be successful. Join us as we change the world of flavor!


Our Mission

Our difference


We give you truly innovative natural hop products combined with the greatest hops from around the world for the biggest impact on your flavors and business.


We lead the pack with our knowledge and experience in creating amazing flavor. Our experts work alongside you to help you integrate the latest and best in flavor and process improvements.


We take responsibility for creating a sustainable and thriving future for the hop industry through innovation, careful use of resources, and responsible business practice.

We Are Here For You

Hannes Schneeberger, Head of Sales Management
Stefanie Kaiser, Head of Sales Administration

+49 911 5489 0


News from our Flavor Foundry

Top 40 brewers: Output falls at major brewing groups

Nuremberg, June 11, 2024. The global beer market contracted slightly in 2023: The total output volume of the 40 biggest brewers worldwide fell by 2.2…

HPA’s 2024 Crop Report: Hyperfocused on Aussie Hop Quality

Nuremberg, May 3 2024. Our group member Hop Products Australia (HPA) has published its annual harvest report.

Diverse and efficient: BarthHaas presents innovative water-based hop products

Nuremberg, April 17, 2024. BarthHaas, the world’s leading supplier of hop products and services, is expanding its innovative PHA (Precision in Hop…

10,000 euros twice over for groundbreaking hop research

Nuremberg, March 18 2024. BarthHaas is again offering BarthHaas Grants in 2024 to support two promising new research projects with funding amounting…

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