Hop Harvest Guide 2021 Released

The internationally operating hop specialist BarthHaas has just published its Hop Harvest Guide 2021. Brewing and hop professionals all over the world value the guide for its comprehensive documentation of the quality of the most recent hop crop. It helps brewers to adapt their processes and recipes to the changes identified in the respective crop year.

The Hop Harvest Guide is compiled each year by the BarthHaas Brewing Solutions team. To do so, they analyze representative samples of the different hop varieties and describe their respective sensory characteristics. Descriptive flavor profiles, valuable analytical data, and essential background information make it a reference work for all of those who take a professional interest in hops and hop flavor.

The 80-page guide shows readers in what ways the flavor and aroma characteristics of each of the 35 most important hop varieties differed in crop year 2021 from the aroma characteristics typical of the respective variety. The descriptive flavor profiles are clearly presented, with additional background information completing the picture. With the aid of the clearly structured rose charts, readers can quickly and easily get their bearings among the flavor profiles of the 2021 crop. The BarthHaas Hop Harvest Guide can now be downloaded free of charge.

Sensory changes, taking Citra® as an example
The example of the Citra® hop variety shows very clearly how great the changes in sensory characteristics can be from year to year. In 2018, for instance, the citrus and sweet-fruit aromas became very prominent, while the floral and berry aromas were hardly noticeable. The Citra hops harvested in 2019, however, had a significantly different profile: The dominant citrus character from 2018 was eclipsed by the sweet fruits, with floral and berry aromas also making a comeback. In crop year 2020 Citra reverted to its typical aroma profile: The citrus aromas returned and were evenly balanced with the sweet fruits, while the floral and berry aromas remained discreetly in the background. 2021 Citra displayed a similar aroma profile, but it was accompanied by subtle notes of menthol and caramel.


Please note the photo credit: BarthHaas


Hop Harvest Guide 2021

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