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Hop Update July 2023

Hello and welcome to the BarthHaas HopUpdate July 2023!

Weather conditions and Plant Development Germany
Since the last HopUpdate in June and July, consistently summery temperatures with up to 36°C in all German growing regions. Only individual, locally limited precipitation. The precipitation amounts for June and July are significantly below the long-term average. The soil conditions are correspondingly dry. The lack of water is clearly visible in the hops, and sides shoots building is severely restricted. The bines are very slender and pointed. Accordingly, all varieties are currently rated as below average to severely below average.

The stage of development is now up to one week ahead of the long-term average. The hop fields currently have a BBCH stage of 51 to 55, according to which the inflorescence buds are visible to enlarged. In addition, BBCH stage 61 to 65 can be found across all varieties, which indicates the beginning of blooming or full blooming.

The primary infection with downy milldew was successfully controlled. Currently, there is no risk of infection by downy mildew. Powdery mildew is increasingly found especially in susceptible varieties such as Herkules. Infestation with aphid and red spider mite is under control.

Drought monitor of the Centre for Environmental Research (July 15th 2023)

Source: https://www.ufz.de/index.php?de=37937

Other growing areas

Plant Development Czech Republic

The development status in the Czech growing areas is in the long-term average for most varieties and in some cases a few days ahead. Since the last update, the drought continues in all growing areas. The dryness is noticeable on the bines. These are tapered and thin. The hop fields are currently to be judged as below average. Diseases and pests are currently not to be found.

Plant development Slovenia:
Depending on the region, there was between 120 mm and 150 mm of precipitation in the month of June, while at the same time temperatures were slightly warmer than the long-term average at 19.2°C. The development status is in line with the long-term average. Due to the abundant rainfall, the stands are well developed. Diseases and pests are currently not a problem.

Plant development Poland:
The level of development is in line with the long-term average. Isolated precipitation in June and July with summer temperatures. Despite the drought, the stands can be described as average.

Plant development USA:
The level of development is within the long-term average. The water supply is sufficient. There is a risk of forest fires. The hops are currently average.

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